Teacher inquiry is really a much broader area than teacher “research” per se. Courses in the MAFLT cover qualitative and quantitative methods, but I prefer to talk about exploratory vs. experimental or theory-building vs. theory-testing approaches.

Interest Area Bibliographies

If you are interested in the topics that I typically teach or in the areas that my students have studied in their Experiential Modules, you may find that I have compiled a list of resources that will serve as a starting place for your own explorations. To see a much larger collection of bibliographies on topics related to world language teaching, TESOL, and applied linguistics, you can visit these sites:

TIRF – The International Research Foundation for English Language

SLA for All: Reproducing Research in Non-Academic Samples

For now, this page includes slides from a presentation with my student Alona Shupe in March 2019. Many more resources will be added as time allows.
