Explaining Principles & Practices
What is CI, and What is the Opposite of Comprehensible Input?
The phrase “comprehensible input” has a lot of buzz among world language teachers – but what does CI really mean, and what does it mean to teach with CI?
The phrase “comprehensible input” has a lot of buzz among world language teachers – but what does CI really mean, and what does it mean to teach with CI?
Is that the question? Whether or not to teach grammar has been debated among language teachers for longer than any of us has been alive, and it will be debated when this generation of teachers is gone, too. In response to the ever-present debates about how much and whether to Read more…
Comprehensible input is everywhere. Even if our language learners would have to travel thousands of miles to meet native speakers face to face, we can still find compelling comprehensible input that will let them experience the target language in use. On the internet, CI is available on a website that Read more…